Monthly Archives: April 2013

Jack and Jill on pre-order

The latest in the Prometheus in Chains series is now up for pre-order.

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Clair’s Clan : Alex Delbarre

  Today please welcome to Clair’s Clan a new friend of mine from Facebook who has kindly consented to answer my questions.   1. – I was born in Camden Town in London and grew up in and around London … Continue reading

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Clair’s Clan : James Cox

My guest today is a fellow author and friend. Please welcome James Cox to Clair’s Clan today Will you tell us a little about yourself. I’m bisexual. I love men, women, reading, dogs (not in that way, you freak.) I … Continue reading

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Clair’s Clan : Susan Foulkes

  Please welcome one of my oldest friends on Face book and the first reader to contact me. Susan won the first ever contest I organised on the release of Initiation and we have been friends ever since. Here aqre … Continue reading

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Life on the Edge

Breathless Press just accepted my short (11k) story called “Life on the Edge,” about the Roman Army and life on Hadrian’s Wall. I am very happy and yes it is erotic historical fiction .. More new when I have it … Continue reading

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