Monthly Archives: September 2013

Life on the Edge

Here is a little snippet…. “I have bought you and I’m going to fuck you with or without your cooperation. It will be better for you if you don’t resist,” he said to her, but she spat at him. “May … Continue reading

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Angel in Hell

    Here is a little snippet, where the hero meets the heroine…   He furled his wings as he strode swiftly out of the sea. His loincloth had been ripped away by the strong winds and the waves. He … Continue reading

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Clair’s Clan : Gary Powerso

  Please welcome the second of my special guests this week. Gary is a reader and has become a good friend of mine. Q1 Please tell us a little about yourself my name is Gary powers I’m a single father … Continue reading

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New cover for Saving Master Rafael released on October 23rd

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Master Salvador’s Dilemma

Yay Just signed the contract for Master Salvador’s Dilemma, no1 in the NEW SERIES The Blood Red Rose Club. — feeling excited.

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